Stranger Things: 15 Best Easter Eggs (So Far)

2. Alien

Stranger Things King Mob

The first season of Stranger Things may have been built on the whole Goonies/E.T. nostalgia, but it wasn't afraid to reference some of the more frightening offerings of the decade either.

One franchise that it clearly drew inspiration from when it came to the horror elements was Alien, as there were a number of plot similarities between it and the classic sci-fi films - such as the fact that a slimy Upside Down resident implanted its spawn inside Will. Facehugger anyone?

These references would continue throughout the series, with its latest installment featuring an up-close shot of the Mind Flayer's spawn, which just so happened to look identical to the iconic Alien chest-burster.

But the most stunning visual reference of them all was in the Season 1 finale, when Hopper and Joyce stumbled upon a hatched egg in the Upside Down. From the darkness that surrounded it to the way in which the single beam of light fell upon it, it was a clear nod to the legendary poster for the original 1979 film.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.