Stranger Things: 15 Best Easter Eggs (So Far)

1. Predator

Stranger Things King Mob

Perhaps the most underappreciated of all Stranger Things' Easter Eggs, the first season had a number of references to the classic Arnold Schwarzenegger sci-fi thriller Predator - references so subtle you probably didn't even notice them.

We all know that Jim Hopper is the chief of Hawkins, but did you know that this isn't the first time those two names have gone hand-in-hand? Jim Hopper was also the name of the first ever soldier killed by the Predator while Hawkins, a member of Schwarzenegger's team, also met his demise at the hands of the titular beast.

To top it all off, when Stranger Things' Hopper attempted to gain access to the lab, he was advised to contact Rick Schaeffer. Schaefer (albeit spelled slightly differently) also happens to be the surname of Schwarzenegger's character Dutch.

Given that Predator was one of the most revolutionary horror films of the decade, as it managed to build up suspense without actually showing what was picking off all of the characters, it's no surprise that Stranger Things drew inspiration from it.


Which Easter Eggs were your favourites? Tell us in the comments below.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.