Stranger Things 2: 9 Big Questions We Need Answering In Season 3

6. Will We Get Any New Monsters Next Season?

Stranger Things 2 Ending Eleven

When it comes to its monsters, Stranger Things has definitely taken the Alien franchise approach so far. While season one only featured one Demogorgon, season two saw the gang face a whole army of Demodogs, the infant form of the previously-seen creature. On top of that, just like we met the Alien Queen in Aliens, season two introduced the Shadow Monster, or Mind Flayer, which controls the Demogorgons.

With so much explored this season, then, how will season three freshen things up on the monster front? We've now seen everything from a baby Demogorgon to a full-grown one so there surely isn't much else to explore. Unless, that is, the Demogorgon from season one was more like a teenage version and their real adult form is a lot bigger and scarier.

Alternatively, to stick with the Alien comparisons, maybe season three will put the emphasis on the evil machinations of the Hawkins Lab scientists and explore what they really want from the Upside Down, as in Alien 3. Though hopefully the season will be a lot more successful than that movie.

Unfortunately, we definitely know that there won't be any more from Dart, Dustin's pet Demodog. Ross Duffer has confirmed that the little nougat-loving critter died with the rest of his kind at the end of season two.


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