Stranger Things 2: 9 Big Questions We Need Answering In Season 3

4. Is Hawkins National Lab's Work Actually Over?

Stranger Things 2 Ending Eleven

Against all the odds, Nancy and Jonathan manage to expose - well, at least partially - the evil that is going on within Hawkins National Lab and get the place shut down by the end of the season.

It's painted as a big victory for our heroes, but we're highly suspicious that it's as clear-cut as it seems. Sure, officially, the lab has been shut down. But, seeing as they have skirted so many laws already, what's to stop those sinister scientists from further exploring the Upside Down in secret?

There's also the question of how Owens, the new head of the project who seems to actually be a fairly nice guy, managed to escape the fallout of the scandal. Apparently he remains well-connected enough to fake adoption papers for Hopper and Eleven, which suggests that the Lab still has a lot of power at its fingertips.

But is he really as trustworthy as he appears? Because, if you think about it, it would be within the Lab's best interests to make sure Eleven is nearby and under observation. it wouldn't be surprising if Owens' nice guy act was dropped in season three and it turned out he is actually taking orders from Brenner.


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