Stranger Things 2: 9 Big Questions We Need Answering In Season 3

3. How Will Eleven's Powers Develop Further?

Stranger Things 2 Ending Eleven

Eleven has always been a mix of Luke Skywalker and Jean Grey, but the similarities were pushed even further this season. Not only did she get her very own Yoda-esque training regime in episode 7, but the finale saw her push her powers to the limit - bringing to mind Jean Grey's transformation into Phoenix.

In an impressive display, the telekinetic teen managed to - apparently - close the gate to the Upside Down single-handed. In the process, she even began levitating off the ground. Seeing as she has already reached these heights (just a little levitation humour for you) in season two, where else will the character go next year?

Eleven is arguably already overpowered - which is why she had to be kept away from Hawkins for half the season, so that she wouldn't just solve everything immediately. So in what other ways can her abilities be developed? Will she be able to fly? They have to do a proper homage to E.T. soaring across the moon at some point, right?

At the very least, there will likely come a time when Eleven can use her powers without her nose bleeding. Millie Bobby Brown must be sick of having fake blood shoved up her nostrils by now.


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