Stranger Things Season 3 Trailer 2 Reactions: 6 Ups & 1 Down

3. It Addresses The Gate Debacle

Stranger Things 2 Ending

When Eleven shoved the Mind Flayer back to where it came from and subsequently closed the gate, every character under the sun celebrated. In fact, we all celebrated... that is, until we noticed a major plothole: That wasn't the only gate.

The hole in the tree where Nancy entered the Upside Down? That was a gate. The crack in the high school wall that Eleven re-emerged from (which subsequently vanished)? Also a gate. The underground passage beneath the pumpkin patch? Yet another gate.

While it's true that Eleven closed the initial split between our dimension and the Upside Down, that doesn't necessarily mean that the other ones closed with it. Even if they did, the Demogorgan was capable of creating new ones (remember when he broke through Joyce Byers' wall?).

The Mind Flayer's return has forced Eleven and Will to consider the possibility that closing the biggest gate wasn't as final as they thought it was and, in doing so, it cleverly allows the writers to address one of the biggest complaints about Stranger Things 2.

Maybe it wasn't a plothole after all...


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.