Supergirl Season 2: 7 Ups And 2 Downs From 'The Adventures Of Supergirl'

2. No More Love Triangle

Supergirl James Olsen Winn Schott

One of the biggest down points of Supergirl’s debut season was the love triangle that Kara found herself in with the ever-suave James (don’t call him Jimmy!) Olsen and uber-nerd Winn Schott.

As the first season progressed, this love triangle did nobody any favours. For a start, James was doing his best to have his cake and eat it, as he tried to juggle two women (Lucy Lane and Kara), whilst Winn came across as a jealous, stroppy teenager whenever he didn’t quite get what he wanted. As for the Girl of Steel in the middle of all of this, this whole tangled mess left her positioned as needy at best, but at worst somebody who would simply fall back to Winn when James was busily shacked up with Lucy.

After spending the majority of The Adventures of Supergirl trying her best to arrange a proper first date with James, by the close of the episode it appears as if Kara is thankfully deciding to take a back seat on the whole relationship front for now.

Of course, this could all change at the drop of a hat, and we could soon see Kara resort back to pining after Jimmy whilst Winn makes grumpy goo-goo eyes, but here’s hoping this upcoming season sees Kara taking at least a temporary break from last season’s bothersome love triangle.

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