Supergirl Season 2: 7 Ups And 2 Downs From 'The Adventures Of Supergirl'

1. Awesome Action

Supergirl John Corben Alex Danvers
The CW

Much like Arrow’s recent return saw the brutal action stakes upped from the get-go as the Green Arrow battled Anarky before nonchalantly putting an arrow in the leg of the well-meaning Wild Dog, Supergirl’s Season 2 premiere also gives its audience a fantastic fight scene.

Sure, the Maid of Might and Man of Steel may have been the focus of this fantastic season premiere, but it was Chyler Leigh’s Alex Danvers who was at the centre of a brilliant and badass battle.

Confronting John Corben as he’s about to shoot Lena Luthor, Alex unleashes a flurry of frenetic fists and feet as she tries to take down Corben. Unfortunately for her, this rogue is no push over, and gives it as good as he gets.

We can all agree, Marvel’s Daredevil has firmly raised the bar when it comes to the violence and intense fight scenes involved in superhero shows, and so the plethora of similar shows out there are having to up their game. Arrow has done just that with its Season 5 premiere, and seeing Alex and Metallo-in-waiting clinically taking the fight to each other is a nice indicator that the often-bright and hopeful Supergirl isn’t afraid to get its hands dirty when called for.

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