Supergirl Season 4: 4 Ups & 1 Down From 'The House Of L'

3. The Context We Needed

Supergirl Red Daughter Kara Lex Luthor
The CW

In spite of the episode's strong frantic opening, its greatest strength lay in the fact that it finally slowed things down to tell the viewers a story that we have all wanted to see for quite some time now: the origins of the Red Daughter.

Flashing back to the day that she first arrived, we soon learned that the Kaznian Embassy reached out to Lex and informed him of her existence. From there, it was revealed that he was able to use his resources to procure himself multiple short-term releases from prison in an attempt to train this Kara Zor-El doppelganger. His intention, of course, was to manipulate her into destroying the real Supergirl.

Her trust of him stemmed from the only thing she could remember - the name "Alex". While we all knew that this was obviously a reference to Kara's sister, Lex had absolutely no problem using that to his advantage and thus, Alex Luthor became her "bestie".

Ever since the Red Daughter showed up in the Season 3 finale, we have seen very little of her on-screen and even those brief appearances have had little to no context. Thankfully, 'The House Of L' solved that problem, giving Kara's doppelganger a chance to shine while fitting her narrative in around everything else that happened throughout the first half of the season. The planning was intricate, the result was effective and the episode, well, it was brilliant.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.