Supergirl Season 4: 4 Ups & 3 Downs From 'Menagerie'

3. Agent Liberty Is Back

Supergirl Agent Liberty
The CW

While the episode primarily focused on the Menagerie alien, it also pleasantly surprised us by making time to reintroduce viewers to this season's Big Bad: Ben Lockwood a.k.a. Agent Liberty.

Making his first appearance in four episodes, Lockwood received a visit from his family - who informed him on the progress of the anti-alien movement that he had created. However, we got to see the progress of that movement first-hand when the President of the United States, under pressure from Lockwood's legions of followers, found a loophole in the system that allowed him to release the criminal from prison. Just like that, Agent Liberty is back on the streets.

The writers did a great job keeping his movement alive when he was off-screen by highlighting how his following had grown in his absence, even having the Children of Liberty pop up from time to time - all of which served his eventual return perfectly. With him, and his 'Children' now perceived as heroes, it's going to be very interesting to see where the story goes from here.

While Supergirl has produced a few incredibly strong standalone episodes as of late, it's all felt rather directionless without Agent Liberty. Thanks to the strong writing in both aspects of the character's dual identity, and Sam Witwer's exceptionally strong performance, he may just be the show's strongest Big Bad yet and, now that he has finally returned, we should expect to see the standard continue to increase as his war against aliens intensifies in the weeks ahead.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.