Supergirl Season 4: 5 Easter Eggs & References You Missed In ‘O Brother, Where Art Thou?'

2. Superman IV: Quest For Peace

Supergirl Lex Luthor
Warner Bros.

Any Superman fanatic would have known that Lex Luthor's arrival on Supergirl was in itself a reference to 1987's Superman IV: The Quest For Peace due to the fact that Jon Cryer actually appeared in the film as Lenny Luthor. However, that's not the only way that the show referred to the critically panned sequel.

In the closing moments of the episode, Lex escaped from the Luthor Mansion and, in typical Lex Luthor fashion, he did so in style. Activating the mansion grounds' advanced weaponry, Luthor stylistically conducted each attack with his arms and, in a stroke of genius, the scene was scored with Mozart's "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik".

That very composition was featured twice in Superman IV as Gene Hackman's Lex hummed the song to himself at the beginning of the film just before he was freed by Lenny, and was then later serenaded by fellow prisoners as Superman returned him in the closing moments.

After being a part of the infamous film, this is undoubtedly Jon Cryer's shot at redemption within the Superman franchise and it's great to see that he and the showrunners aren't afraid to make reference to it in the process.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.