Supergirl Season 4: 6 Ups & 3 Downs From ‘Red Dawn’
4. Lockwood's Journey Towards Redemption
One character lost in the midst of all the alien-centric madness was the season's original Big Bad, Ben Lockwood.
Upon being confronted by Lena Luthor, he realised that Agent Liberty was nothing more than a pawn in Lex's much grander scheme and that he was now simply a loose end. Naturally, the realisation that his entire cause was essentially built upon a lie weighed rather heavily on him and, in doing so, it reminded viewers of all that he had lost in his quest for peace.
Here, we finally saw Ben Lockwood for who he truly was: a troubled man with good intentions that had been manipulated by an evil far greater than that which he was hunting. However, given his current predicament, we could see him avenge that manipulation by becoming the one loose end that Lex had wished he tied up.
This has seemingly positioned Lockwood for a redemption of sorts and, given how compelling both the writing and Sam Witwer's performance have been over the season, that would undoubtedly add another rich layer to the already-strong storyline and could make Agent Liberty quite the wild card in Supergirl's war with Luthor in the season finale.