Supergirl Season 4: 6 Ups & 3 Downs From ‘Red Dawn’

2. One Trick Otis

Supergirl Otis Graves
The CW

While Ben Lockwood's desperation for answers contained a lot of engaging scenes, his conversation with Otis Graves was not one of them.

For some reason, Otis, knowing full-well that Lockwood was only a pawn in Lex's plan, didn't seem all that perturbed by the fact that Agent Liberty had stumbled upon his old hideout to ask questions about the mastermind's plans - plans that he wasn't supposed to know about. In fact, Otis was more than happy to spill the beans, telling Lockwood all about Lex's intentions for the U.S. before eventually deciding that it was time to kill him.

While it has been established that Otis isn't all that bright, that's no excuse for his lack of reaction when Lockwood turned up, nor does it explain how he went from playing a game to attempting murder in the space of a few seconds.

As he was nothing more than a thinly-written plot device to further Lockwood's arc, it meant nothing when Agent Liberty killed him. On that note, what was the point in reviving Otis (again!) only to have him die (again!) in the most underwhelming way yet?

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.