Supergirl Season 4 Finale: 9 Ups & 2 Downs From 'The Quest For Peace'


2. No Justice For Liberty

Supergirl Ben Lockwood Agent Liberty Sam Witwer
The CW

Though Lex Luthor has undoubtedly ascended to Arrowverse Big Bad status with his midseason coup, the Supergirl season finale still made some time for the season's original Big Bad, Ben Lockwood a.k.a. Agent Liberty.

Last week's penultimate episode saw Lockwood discover that he was nothing more than a pawn in Lex's master plan. In doing so, it appeared to set up somewhat of a redemptive arc for him as he sought revenge in a bid to show the world that his misguided mission, unlike Mr. Luthor's, originally stemmed from good intentions.

Unfortunately, that never came to fruition in this week's finale because, as he attempted to do so, he crossed paths with Supergirl and, well, he thought it would be a good idea to fight her instead of stopping Lex. Sure Ben, whatever.

There's no denying that the fight scene was brilliant but, given the extent to which the writers had developed his character over this season, it did absolutely nothing for him. He wasn't a character here - he was just one of his many nameless Children of Liberty goons that had no purpose to serve other than to keep Alex and James busy while Kara dealt with Lex.

Considering how great a Big Bad he has been (and how well Sam Witwer portrayed him), he deserved better.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.