Supernatural: 10 Most Cringeworthy Moments

9. So, Apocalypse Castiel Is A Nazi?

Supernatural Paris Hilton
The CW

Castiel is, of course, one of the best things about Supernatural, so when the concept of an alternate universe version of him arose, it was cause for great excitement. The more, the merrier, right? But then, Apocalypse World Castiel made his debut, and things got uncomfortable real fast.

This version of Cas was a torturer, he wore a long black trench coat that looked like a Gestapo uniform, and he even spoke with a German accent to boot. There wasn't even an apparent reason why this version of his vessel (Jimmy Novak) had a different accent. Overall, the Nazi symbolism felt uncomfortably forced for no real reason.

Even though Misha Collins did his best to wrangle this performance - as he always did - it still came across as painfully insensitive and baffling. His lip-twitching, for example, was an interesting choice, but it felt a little too cartoonish compared to the shockingly oppressive atmosphere.

Overall, this was a strange take on an alternative Castiel and ruffled a few more feathers than it needed to. Some fans enjoyed it, and to each their own, but the awkward implications easily gave it the cringeworthy stamp.


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