Supernatural: 10 Most Hated Episodes

4. There's Something About Mary (Season 12, Episode 21)

Supernatural Bugs
The CW

Remember how we said Dark Dynasty was the point where it became clear that the series had jumped the shark? There's Something About Mary is a great example of how the series continued to jump the shark since then. At this point of the show's run, many of its fans continued on clinging to the hope that even if the show would never return to its original quality, it would at least go back to being good. There's Something About Mary made it clear how unlikely that was going to happen.

Much like Dark Dynasty, There's Something About Mary features the death of another fan-favorite minority character, Eileen. You would think the writers would know better given the backlash Charlie's death received, and yet here There's Something About Mary is, killing off a minority character in a lazy, unnecessary, and undignified manner. This episode also features the death of Crowley, another upsetting death given how intelligent of a character he is.

Beyond the deaths, the episode featured such ludicrous plot points as Mary being brainwashed in less than a week to the point where she wouldn't care about killing her sons. All in all just a terrible episode, one that made it very clear the show was no longer the great show it once was.

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Writer, visual designer, and The Simpsons fan. Still hasn't finished Super Mario Bros. 3 and probably never will. Rocks at board games, though.