Supernatural: 10 Most Hated Episodes
3. Bugs (Season 1, Episode 8)
Neither the episode Bugs nor the bugs in the episode are very scary, especially since the bugs on screen are very clearly fake. With spiders that are obviously plastic and bugs that are blatantly CGI, the episode is admittedly pretty funny to watch given how fake everything looks. This is especially true when the Winchester brothers fight a swarm of tiny bugs, looking more awkward than heroic.
Even if the production side of the episode was decent, the script still fell short, especially towards the ending. The storyline is weak and filled with clichés and the ending is illogical — the passing of the night seemed to happen almost immediately. Sam and Dean also don't solve anything in this episode, instead just abandoning the case, which is not something we want to see the Winchester brothers do, especially during their first season.
Still, just like Route 666, we need to give Bugs some credit — it's terrible not because it's a boring waste of an episode but because it's a result of the writers trying to take a ridiculous idea and make it scary when it's so clearly not. Maybe if the episode had better special effects, the episode would've been more noteworthy, but we doubt realistic-looking bugs would make the brothers fighting them be less awkward to watch.