Supernatural: 10 Most Terrifying Creatures
1. Changeling
In Celtic lore, a Changeling is a human child that has been sneakily adducted by the fearful fairy folk. However, in the universe of Supernatural butterfly-winged folk they are not, but rather eerie looking creatures lurking from the dark dark woods.
These eerie fairies snatch human children to take the place of one of their own, and leave a fairy-child behind instead. The fairy toddler then mimics the appearance of your own human babe, but its mischievous behaviour remains trapped inside.
In some legends, Changelings even feed on their human mothers. To call them creepy children would be an understatement. While this fairy brat dwells in our world, massacring its human family members, the human child grows up to become a fairy creature instead, haunting the woods.
Taking a creative turn on the classic Changeling tale, Supernatural's Changelings are only visible int their true nature when seen in their reflection. Given their overtly gruesome and repulsive appearance tho, this is really just fine with us, because you're likely not at all tempted to take a closer look anyways. The creatures have slimy skin, hollow eyes, and a mouth with many disgusting teeth. And, worst of all, they appear in the bodies of small children. No surprise Sam and Dean were taken slightly aback ...