Supernatural: 10 Most Terrifying Creatures
5. Angel (More Specifically Castiel)
You might be mildly surprised to find this species on this list, but be sure that Supernatural's Angels are far from the chubby Goldie-locks you know from your Sunday church stroll (willingly or forced, my friend).
Castiel is an Angel of the Lord and appears to introduce a sense of Christian mythology to the series. After bringing Dean back from Hell, Castiel frequently helps him and his brother Sam in their battles along the way.
As an Angel he possesses a number of supernatural abilities, including the ability to kill demons, which sure comes in handy. Castiel is an extremely powerful being, superhuman and superior to mortals in both power and intelligence. Demons can't look at them without damaging themselves as they manifest as a brilliant white light (or a bluish luminous smoke if they have no wings).
Respectively, Angels in their true form do have large swan-like majestic wings on their backs. In the episode Lazarus Rising, Castiel's wings are depicted through his shadow, and in later episodes even as feathers of fire. The creep factor comes in in episode Dark Side of the Moon, where Angel Zachariah tells the brothers that in his true form he has six wings and four faces, one of them being that of a lion - a nod to the Nephilim, the Fallen Angels in mythology.
Appearing to be very large in height, Castiel states that his true form is "approximately the size of your Chrysler building". Angels have an extra creep factor by being almost emotionless, not permitted to have feelings or free will. They are even compared to marble statues, in the sense that they're both cold, loyal and have no choice. Unlike the stereotypical portrayal of television Angels, Castiel does not always help people, and is even willing to kill innocents. There lies something deeply sinister underneath that pretty face, and that makes Angels a worthy entry on this list.