Supernatural: Every Major Villain Ranked Worst To Best

7. Metatron

Lucifer  Supernatural
The CW

What Metatron lacks in physical intimidation he more than makes up for in terms of raw power.

Not many angels, or even archangels, have even come close to possessing the kind of power that Metatron has had. As one of God's most trusted lackeys, he acted as the Scribe of God which essentially God's glorified secretary.

Since Metatron wasn't even an archangel like some of the other Big Bads on this list he can often be overlooked. However, not many others can boast that they too called down all of the angels and then became the ruler of heaven itself.

Metatron also wears the honourary villain badge of successfully killing one of the Winchester brothers. After being thrown in angel prison, Metatron acts as a sort of weird angelic Hannibal Lector when the boys need him to remove Dean's Mark of Cain.

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