Teen Wolf: Every Season Ranked From Worst To Best

8. Season 4

Teen Wolf MTV

Season Four had the tough task of following one of the show's best outings, and whilst it deserves credit for completely switching up the setting (at least at first) and introducing a wide range of bizarre antagonists like The Mute (a man without a mouth) and The Chemist (a man who makes werewolf-killing viruses), it's probably the most forgettable season of the show.

New main characters Malia and Kira feel constantly side-lined and under-explored, and the return of Kate Argent is a squandered opportunity marred by an uneven narrative and a lack of consistency and motive.

The season's biggest problem is the plot; so much happens over 12 episodes that it's sometimes difficult to keep on top of what's happening to each character, since they're all involved in so many situations. There's Derek losing his powers; Malia looking for her mother; the deadpool of supernatural creatures and the misjudged Benefactor arc; and young deputy Parrish being revealed as a supernatural creature with literally no resolution.

Ending on a high note, though, Season Four is responsible for introducing us to Liam and Mason, both of whom work perfectly with the tone of the show and helped usher in the new era of the series.

Despite this, there is very little to the season and it's all a touch too anti-climactic to rank any higher.

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I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.