Teen Wolf: Every Season Ranked From Worst To Best

7. Season 1

Teen Wolf MTV

The first season of Teen Wolf is a solid debut. Introducing fans to Beacon Hills and the lives of Scott, Stiles, Allison, Lydia, Jackson, Derek and their various relatives was always going to be a challenge, but showrunner Jeff Davis hits the ground running. In terms of character, at least.

The problem is, as with many opening seasons, it all feels like 12 episodes of exposition and backstory, setting up what's to come without breaking any ground right off the bat. Also, it suffers for some weak special effects and a tone which suggests it wants to be seen as a serious drama, but keeps slipping into angsty teen territory.

Despite this, there is a lot to love. Both Tyler Posey and Dylan O'Brien prove to be the break-out stars of the show, their chemistry brilliant and the relationship of Scott and Stiles anchor of the season. Also, we get Scott and Allison's relationship, which, whilst purposefully on the sappy side given the then-intended audience, is sweet and genuinely affecting.

It's a solid season with a good mystery and amazing characters, but it struggles to take any major risks with the subject matter, and so it sits here on the rankings.

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Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.