Teen Wolf: Every Season Ranked From Worst To Best

6. Season 5B

Teen Wolf MTV

The second half of Season Five has all the trademarks of what makes Teen Wolf such a great show. Its mystery is slow-burning and enticing, the characters all have great moments to shine, and the threat level is high, leading to some fun and intense action sequences and moments of real fear. Unfortunately, there is a lot going on this season. Like, a lot.

Yes, there are great moments of character interaction, violence and gory horror, but they're pulled down slightly by the show's need to do more; to be bigger, better and badder than what came before.

Just looking at the sheer number of character arcs (over only ten episodes) reveals the issues: There's Malia finally taking on her mother; Theo's evil intentions showing themselves; Stiles trying to prove his innocence to Scott; Liam blaming Scott for everything that's happened; Kira vanishing to the middle of nowhere to learn how to control her power; Lydia being held captive at Eichen House; and Parrish wandering around, still unaware (as the audience are) of what he really is.

There are some great moments, but the insane number of things going on, all at once, make it hard to watch from time to time.

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Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.