Teen Wolf: Every Season Ranked Worst To Best

7. Season 6B

Teen Wolf Lydia Season 5

You were possibly expecting the finale season to be listed higher up and you are not wrong in that thought. Season 6b isn't bad by any stretch of the imagination. By this point the base level expectation for each episode was much higher than the initial seasons', however, the main disappointment with the second part of Season 6 was how unnecessary it feels.

Focusing on the older pack members as they plan to leave Beacon Hills and the new generation as they try and fill the void that is about to be left, there isn't a whole lot of narrative strength here. This very loose plot is used for the main purpose of bringing back fan favourites like Derek, played by Tyler Hoechlin, who had been absent since Season 4.

Overall, 6B is a nice bit of fan service and the final episode is steeped in nostalgia. However, after the neat wrapping up of Season 6A, this ends up feeling a bit tacked on in hopes to set up a spin-off show, which it probably was as plans for one did emerge but were quickly and quietly scrapped. That being said, I think we will all happily accept an extra few episodes with Scott, Stiles, and Derek back together again.

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Danni Scott hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.