That '70s Show: All Seasons Ranked Worst To Best

5. Season Six

that 70's show

Best Episode: Young Man Blues

Season six somehow brought out both the best and worst elements of That 70s show. On the one hand, there was some delightfully wacky storylines that came out of nowhere and it made the season exciting and unpredictable. But then there were also many examples of bad writing.

It was not shy of some very off-the-wall plot lines. It seemed odd for Kelso to impregnate a random woman at a concert when he still had feelings for Jackie. It was irritating when Eric ditched Donna on their wedding day and thus prolonged their on-and-off relationship.

There was also the awkward re-casting of Laurie which stuck out for all the wrong reasons – Christina Moore didn't understand the role and had no chemistry with her fellow cast mates.

To balance this out, there were also many moments which, whilst still bizarre, worked for the show. Kelso joining the police force is unexpected but certainly allowed for some hilarious episodes, such as “Young Man Blues” and “Happy Jack”. The unconventional relationship between Bob Pinciotti and Pamela Burkhart ushered in some funny tensions between the adults characters. And the series also provided some hilarious spoofs.

Season six lacks clarity, but it’s also a sample of a classically outlandish sitcom.


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