That '70s Show: All Seasons Ranked Worst To Best

4. Season Four

that 70's show

Best Episode: Eric’s Hot Cousin

Season four is arguably the one series that you could take out of the show's timeline and it wouldn’t make much of a difference.

It had Midge’s departure, Donna and Eric broken up for the whole series, the introduction of Casey Kelso and the ambiguous final episode. Otherwise, almost everything that happened wouldn’t make a difference to the later years.

There were many filler episodes, such as “That 70s Musical” and “Class Picture”, which didn’t have any progression on the series’ narrative.

Despite this, season four is still very much worth watching because it’s easy to watch and overflowing with comedy. Although it does start off a bit gloomy with Eric and Donna's turbulent break-up, the two eventually learn how to remain friends. Forman being single also paved the way for some brilliant episodes, such as “Eric’s Hot Cousin” and “Eric’s Corvette Caper”.

What people hated was the characterisation of Donna. As a supposed feminist, she still couldn’t seem to see what a misogynistic jerk Casey Kelso was, ultimately dating him. Furthermore, she published a nasty, heavy-handed story about her relationship with Eric in the school paper, and yet still played the martyr.

Still, season four made us laugh with “Prank Day” and reminded us of why we love the gang of teens with “An Eric Forman Christmas”.


Coffee Addict, Cartoon Obsessed, Theatre Kid