The Best Villain From Every Season Of The Flash

6. Season 3 - Savitar

The Flash The Thinker
The CW

The Flash's third season began to show the series' cracks in its storytelling choices, especially its decision to rely on another speedster as its primary for. That said, Savitar's design, origins and threat level helped him stand tall above other villains in the Flashpoint influenced season.

Due to a complicated time loop, Savitar was a time remnant of Barry created to stop Savitar from killing Iris in the past. Convoluted time travel shenanigans aside, Savitar spared the time remnant's life as he was fated to become the villainous speedster.

Due to his alienation from Team Flash, the remnant grew to hate his allies and creator and used this as motivation in his path to becoming Savitar. After being imprisoned in the Speed Force, Savitar grew his power and status and used this to spread the lie that he was the first speedster in the multiverse.

Savitar's design was admittedly questionable, but was at least welcome change of pace from the appearances of Zoom and Thawne. In addition to this, his unconventional background was interesting, if not undercut by his somewhat shaky vendetta against Barry and underwhelming death.

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