The Best Villain From Every Season Of The Flash

5. Season 4 - The Thinker

The Flash The Thinker
The CW

Season 4's decisions to return to the show's more light-hearted approach and focus on a non-speedster villain were initially welcome, but unfortunately did not reach the heights of the first season. That said, Clifford DeVoe/The Thinker was a cut above the likes of Amunet Black or Kilgore, even if his plan did not align with his abilities.

DeVoe and his wife Marlize believed that technology was a hindrance to humanity and its overall intelligence. The couple decided to deal with this 'problem' by harnessing dark matter particles to enhance DeVoe's intelligence to superhuman levels.

His newfound intellect came at the cost of his physical health and led to DeVoe developing a device to siphon the power of various superhumans (known as the Bus Metas by Team Flash) to give his body to handle such formidable mental power and ultimately enact the Enlightenment, a plan that would see humanity stripped of its technology and intellect.

The Thinker's plan was not the most logically sound plan but it definitely earns points for silly comic book ambition and Neil Sandilands' performance helped ground the character to some degree.

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