The Best Villain From Every Season Of The Flash

4. Season 5 - Gorilla Grodd

The Flash The Thinker
The CW

Season 5 was an uninspired affair and marked the series' official decline in quality. This is not to say that the season did not have its bright spots, but it was a far cry from the heights of season 1 and 2.

This was reflected in the show's villains. One-off baddies such as Spin and Silver Ghost failed to leave a lasting impression, and the Big Bad duo of Cicada I and II were intriguing in theory but quickly overstayed their welcome.

This is why it was not surprising to see that Gorilla Grodd of all people(?) ended up having the most impact in his brief appearance in the fifth season. His presence forced Team Flash to ally themselves with a reformed King Shark, and the battle between the two behemoths was a sight to behold, VFX limitations notwithstanding.

It is not every day that you get to see a telepathic gorilla fight against a shark-man and two speedsters, but this episode gave audiences exactly that in spades.

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