The Big Bang Theory: 10 Reasons Sheldon Cooper Should Be Killed Off

2. His Backward Character Development

This might be best summarised in the first episode of Season 8, when Sheldon at first seems to accept that change is inevitable, yet runs away on seeing Penny with her new haircut. It can be seen as weak because Sheldon has gone through some significant development over the years - particularly if you compare him to who we see in the flashback where he meets Leonard for the first time. Since then, he€™s definitely come out of his shell more, yet there€™s still signs of him having some mangled development. Look at when Amy and Sheldon are on a date, and Amy demands she say something from the heart. Sheldon does so, then proceeds to destroy Amy€™s heart when it turns out what he said was from the first Spider-Man movie. And he presumes they€™re splitting the cheque? Or take a scene early in the first season, in which Leonard and Sheldon argue about the legitimacy of Skynet€™s plans for world domination. Sheldon notes how one of their agents is "petite" and "hot". This suggests Sheldon has some familiarity with sex, yet that disappeared as the show continued. Moments like this can be simply written off as dodgy continuity, yet it can still be infuriating for an audience.

Senior editor for the superhero/comic book hub A Place To Hang Your Cape. BA in Creative Writing and Film Studies from Hull Uni. Currently getting lost in the big wide world of freelance writing. And some other stuff.