The Big Bang Theory: 10 Reasons Sheldon Cooper Should Be Killed Off

4. The Way He Treats Leonard

If ever there were a murder mystery episode and Sheldon was the victim, Leonard would surely be the prime suspect. For a chap as intelligent as Leonard, it is rather immensely moronic of him to live with someone who treats their apartment with a Hitler-esque hold on how things are run. And did it really take five seasons (and however many years Sheldon and Leonard were living together before the series actually began) for him to become sick of the roommate agreement? If Sheldon really is Batman, then Leonard is surely the most abused Alfred in the history of comic books.

Senior editor for the superhero/comic book hub A Place To Hang Your Cape. BA in Creative Writing and Film Studies from Hull Uni. Currently getting lost in the big wide world of freelance writing. And some other stuff.