The Book Of Boba Fett: 10 Things You Missed

5. You've Seen That Metal Bar Before - Chapter 5

The Book of Boba Fett

No prop in Star Wars is random. It doesn't matter if a droid in the background has no connection to the plot. It's irrelevant if the blaster that a Stormtrooper used appeared onscreen for a quarter of a second. Whether it's a jacket, a pair of boots, or a floor tile, props always have a backstory or some connection with the rest of the franchise.

Case in point - let's look at the fifth episode of The Book of Boba Fett. While Din Djarin and Peli Motto repair a starfighter, two Jawas walk by carrying a metal bar. But if you look closely, you will see this is no ordinary metal bar. In actuality, it is a cryogenic density combustion booster.

To any Star Wars purist, that name means... absolutely nothing. But if you study the booster's shape, you will notice it's the same bar Han Solo used in A New Hope to slow down the walls of the trash compactor. It's one of those Easter eggs that's 99% of fans won't notice but the 1% that do will really appreciate it.


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