The Boys: 18 Biggest WTF Moments From Season 3

13. Kimiko's... Weapons

The Boys Seth Rogen

When Butcher, Frenchie, and M.M. first came across Kimiko, covered in dirt and hiding under a table in a beauty salon, she was more animal than human. She didn’t speak, and was essentially a superpowered killing machine with no morals or remorse.

Though she has become more human over the course of the series, she has remained a killing machine even when she lost her powers. She has ripped people’s faces clean off before, and could essentially turn anything into a weapon. Anything.

As a trade for intel on what Butcher was looking for in Russia, he had Kimiko work a job for Little Nina. This utilised her unique skill set to pose as an escort before killing Little Nina’s target for her. However, she had to get creative and use what was around her to her advantage. This came in the form of a wide range of sex toys.

She killed a man by thrusting a dildo through his brain, but potentially the weirdest thing about this entire scene was that the sex toys were all designed around the Vought superheroes. Fans knew it was all about money with Vought at the end of the day, but just how far their marketing went was still surprising.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.