The Boys Season 3: 10 Shocking Comic Book Moments That Must Happen

5. Auntie Sis Gets Covered

The Boys
Dynamite Entertainment

As unbelievable as it may sound, Garth Ennis doesn't believe all superheroes are dirt bags with volume seven of the series introducing the world to Super Duper, a wholesome team of super powered misfits who do their best to make their neighborhood a better place.

Since the team suffers from their own debilitating problems, the tasks they complete are often small but meaningful. From Klanker's diagnosed Tourette's Syndrome to Stool Shadow's inability to phase at the most pressing of times, they do what they can to help out.

The group is unofficially led by Auntie Sis, who takes on the motherly role and acts as the team's rock whenever things get a bit too much to handle. And with the appearance of Malchemical on the scene, who Vought makes join the group as a punishment of sorts, her help is needed more than ever.

While talking to who she thought was Bobby about her fears, Auntie Sis reveals that she is deathly afraid of giant underpants as she was almost suffocated by a pair back when she was a little baby. Unfortunately for her, this turns out to be Malchemical masquerading as Bobby who then morphs into a giant pair of underwear, covering her from head to toe.

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The Boys
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A self-proclaimed geek with an interest in video games, movies, series, comic books, and tabletop games. Some would say I spend far too much time overthinking irrelevant things. I agree with them, then do it anyway.