The Boys Season 3: 10 Shocking Comic Book Moments That Must Happen

4. Malchemical All Fired Up

The Boys
Dynamite Entertainment

In the same story arc we see Butcher giving Hughie the task of shadowing Super Duper, which is mostly because he thinks Hughie might be working as a spy for Vought America and wants to test his loyalty. What follows is an odd situation where Black Hole, who has the power of being able to consume all forms of matter, starts to choke on a spoon. Since Hughie is far from heartless he rushes over to the rescue, jabbing Black Hole in the throat and saving his life. This is, however, witnesses by Butcher, who starts to trust Hughie even less.

The moment of heroism causes Super Duper to take Hughie in, who in a sense becomes a friend of the wholesome heroes allowing him to plant all sorts of spyware in their home. This is how Hughie witnesses Malchemical going full on Homelander during the giant underwear incident, threatening Super Duper with death unless they follow his lead.

Not appreciating the bullying tactics of the superhero, Hughie jumps in to the rescue once more only to be absolutely demolished by Malchemical, who has morphed into a gaseous form with sharp tentacles that easily rip Hughie's skin to shreds.

Luckily for him, however, Butcher is never too far behind, and with a simple flick of a lighter sets Malchemical's gaseous body alight, burning him up completely.

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The Boys
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A self-proclaimed geek with an interest in video games, movies, series, comic books, and tabletop games. Some would say I spend far too much time overthinking irrelevant things. I agree with them, then do it anyway.