The Boys Season 3: 10 Shocking Comic Book Moments That Must Happen

2. Black Noir Identity Reveal

The Boys
Dynamite Entertainment

The identity of Black Noir has always been one of the greatest mysteries of The Boys, and although Erik Kripke seems to be moving further away from the source material in this regard, skip ahead if you'd prefer to avoid even the slightest possibility of a spoiler.

Now that the nitty-gritty is out of the way, let's just jump right into it.

After losing his mind and assassinating the President of the Unites States, Homelander turns to find Black Noir standing in the doorway of the Oval Office and laughing to himself. The mystery hero then slowly tears his mask from his face and reveals that he is in fact an identical clone of Homelander.

As it turns out, Black Noir was actually created by Vought America as a failsafe against Homelander's immense power. This way the company would always be able to stop the psychopath if he ever stepped out of line, giving Black Noir the command to kill him at a moment's notice. Unfortunately for Black Noir, this moment never came which drove the clone insane with boredom. From this insanity hatched a plan for Black Noir to commit various atrocities in Homelander's name so that Vought could finally order him to fulfil his sole purpose.

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The Boys
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A self-proclaimed geek with an interest in video games, movies, series, comic books, and tabletop games. Some would say I spend far too much time overthinking irrelevant things. I agree with them, then do it anyway.