The Daily Show: 10 Hosts Who Should Replace Jon Stewart

7. Aasif Mandvi

Still, the smart money's on Comedy Central promoting somebody from within The Daily Show to the hosting seat. It makes sense, rather than gambling on an unknown quantity €“ there's loads of performers who have all the skills, but they're not all familiar with how the show works specifically. Luckily, they have a buttload of correspondents to chose from. The Daily Show has never just been €œWith Jon Stewart€. The show lives or dies on its supporting cast members, with the €œcorrespondents€ usually relied on to be more larger-than-life characters than Stewart's relatively straight role, doing pre-recorded interviews and the like. One of the best current correspondents on the show is Aasif Mandvi who, along with frequently producing some hilarious and insightful work for The Daily Show, also affects actual political change: one interview, on voter ID laws, got a racist Republican county chairman fired.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at