The Daily Show: 10 Hosts Who Should Replace Jon Stewart

5. Trevor Noah

Maybe there's a reason Bee was passed over for the guest hosting spot in favour of John Oliver. She's the longest-running correspondent, her place within the show is kind of established. So why not go with one of the newer correspondents, who's had enough time to make himself known, but not just as a supporting cast member? Step forward, Trevor Noah. The South African comedian has since made a name for himself on both sides of the pond, with stand-up tours and guest spots on the none-more-British panel show QI before taking up the mantle of Daily Show correspondent. As well he should, because he's equal parts hilarious and incisive. Noah only became a full-time correspondent for the show this past December, but he's already left a lasting impression with reports on his home continent and the mainstream media's ignoring of Boko Haram.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at