The Defenders: 10 Reasons It's A Massive Disappointment

8. The Shooting Style

The Defenders Elektra

Some of the artistic choices of the show are to be commended, like the clever use of colour that frames each character differently when they first appear on screen. Some, though, are horribly distracting, like the DCEU-like decision to swathe most of the action sequences in darkness.

That might have been to cover the poor fight choreography - which is not something the Netflix shows have struggled with at all in the past - or to establish mood, but whatever the specific reason, it was a bad decision to make.

There are also weird stylistic choices in terms of shots - some that have been framed for style over substance, most notably - that is no more than distracting artifice. We don't need flashy, slanted shots, or clever perspective (shooting unnecessarily through objects for instance) - just let the story do the talking.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.