The Defenders: 10 Reasons It's A Massive Disappointment

7. The Fake-Out Death AGAIN

Matt Murdock The Defenders Reborn

By now, killing off a character in a comic book movie or TV show only to have them reappear almost immediately is beyond cliche and well into self-parody. At this stage, it would be more of a twist if they just stayed dead.

Even just having Daredevil stay dead beyond the end of the season might have been better than him being revived in a matter of moments. And sure, while we got the "get Maggie" Easter Egg tease for Daredevil Season 3, it would have been a lot better to end this show on a real downer with him dead.

That way we could have seen the mystery revealed in Daredevil's third season, allowing the actual "death" some space for real emotional impact. But no, in the same vein that Superman's insta-revival in Batman V Superman undid the gravitas of his funeral scenes, this just made Matt's heroic sacrifice mean nothing.


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