The Defenders: 10 Reasons It's A Massive Disappointment

6. There's Not Enough Action

Defenders Teaser Easter Egg Example

For an ensemble aiming to capture something of The Avengers tent-pole feel, The Defenders is way too slow and ponderous. It takes multiple episodes to really get anywhere, and the limited action we get on the way to the climax is rather unimpressive and sparse.

As Netflix Marvel fans, we've been bred on impressive action set-pieces (quite often set in corridors), and while there are some great ones (like the restaurant scene), there isn't enough to get your teeth into. We should have seen a lot more of the fighting dynamic between the heroes, with their powers combining in battle - that would have been the simplest way of showing us that they fit together, that they have a shared purpose.

Sadly, there's nothing that really makes those action sequences live long in memory: there are no true corridor moments, no Punisher fighting his fellow inmates, no Daredevil v Kingpin... hell, not even a Drunken Master fight. It all feels a little perfunctory, and while fetishised violence is not the be all and end all, stylish, memorable action is.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.