The Defenders Early Reviews: 10 Critical Reactions You Must See

6. Sigourney Weaver Makes For A Great Villain

The Defenders Sigourney Weaver
"As most predicted, The Defenders’ main villain appears to be The Hand, as established mostly in Daredevil and Iron Fist. It also is connected to a major (and very good) role for Sigourney Weaver’s Alexandra, which I won’t spoil." - Collider
"The Defenders has also done a better job with its villain than many of the Marvel movies have. Sigourney Weaver wonderfully inhabits Alexandra, a character who seems unconcerned with constantly dropping bits of knowledge she simply shouldn’t have. Her motivations are a bit clunkily explained, which is a shame because Weaver’s good enough to show them through her acting without needing an infodump." - Gizmodo
"Weaver is crazy good as Alexandra, and while it isn’t totally clear what her motivations are she is a commanding presence." - Bleeding Cool
"Sigourney Weaver’s Alexandra, who may be the biggest surprise of 'The Defenders.' She’s a compelling villain with a mysterious past that borders on the unbelievable — we can’t say more than that without giving too much away." - Washington Post

Sigourney Weaver is a terrific actress of course, and though there have been a few minor critical misgivings with certain aspects of the show's script, her performance as the villainous Alexandra has nevertheless been widely lauded, doing about as well with the material as any actor could.

Moreover, she creates an antagonist who is very different from the typical MCU baddie, and though most critics are remaining tight-lipped on the exact nature of her character, it sounds like she has more than a few tricks up her sleeve.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.