The Expanse: Ranking The Main Characters From Worst To Best

8. Roberta 'Bobbie' Draper

Julie Mao The Expanse
Amazon Studios

The Martian marine debuted in Season Two and has only gone from strength to strength since then. Bobbie Draper is a Martian patriot who became our first real insight into the Martian Congressional Republic and how its citizens think and feel.

After a run in with the Protomolecule, Bobbie found herself connected to Chrisjen Avasarala and their biting relationship has consistently been amusing as they both seem to irritate each other despite the mutual respect they both have. Bobbie is also a close ally of the Rocinante and has collaborated on more missions with them than anyone else.

As Mars as a whole became disillusioned in the wake of the ring gates, Bobbie became disillusioned with Martians that began selling weaponry and ships to Marco Inaros. As a result, it looks like she will be working for Avasarala more directly in the final season of the show.

Bobbie has always been a person of few words and is better suited in combat situations than social ones. The sequences in her Martian armour are some of the most fun and exciting moments of action on the show and there is no doubt that will continue in Season Six

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