The Expanse: Ranking The Main Characters From Worst To Best

6. Camina Drummer

Julie Mao The Expanse
Amazon Studios

A headstrong Belter who has a famous temper and a vicious protective streak has become more prominent on the show with every season. Camina is an aggressive presence towards anyone that stands in her way or that opposes her friends. Fred Johnson's second in command for most of the show, Camina believed in Fred's dream of a better life for those in the Belt.

She also developed close relationships with Naomi and Klaes Ashford, finding herself fiercely protective of the former and vengeful of the latter once Marco kills him. After she leaves politics behind, Camina became the leader of her own small faction and developed new friendships and even a lover in the form of her crewmate Oksana.

This led to a conflicted time for Camina as she had to protect her faction by joining Marco's Free Navy but struggled working under the man that was responsible for the deaths of Fred and Klaes. Her decision to break free from Marco's grasp and fight the Free Navy with the Rocinante for Naomi was a difficult decision for her and provided to be a strong emotional arc for Camina. The boisterous Belter is always a delight on screen and hopefully will be allowed a strong finish in the final season.

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