The Expanse: Ranking The Main Characters From Worst To Best

3. Chrisjen Avasarala

Julie Mao The Expanse

Duplicitous and illusive, Chrisjen Avasarala is a political animal who has reached the pinnacle of power on Earth. Married more to her work than her long suffering husband, Avasarala has the best interests of Earth always at the forefront of her mind.

Always armed with a whipping tongue full of foul language and insults for anyone that dares to disagree with her, Avasarala knows how to work through the dangerous game of politics in a universe where everyone is out for themselves. She put herself in harm's way when dealing with the Protomolecule threat that showed off her incredible bravery compared to the other politicians on the show that never get their hands dirty.

Shohreh Aghdashloo brings a stern and steady control to her performance with an iconic gravelly voice that makes her a compelling part of the Expanse. She has always been an enthralling presence on the screen and considering her storyline is usually the one with the least action it is a testament to her character that she manages to remain a thrilling element of the show.

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Opinionated pop-culture commentator who aspires to be a writer so people can opinionatedly comment on the pop-culture I put out.