The Expanse: Ranking The Main Characters From Worst To Best

2. Naomi Nagata

Julie Mao The Expanse
Amazon Studios

Naomi was always a strong part of the Expanse's core ensemble but in the latest season, she outdid herself as the narrative shifted to focus on her and her son. Naomi is a Belter who finds a purpose aboard the Rocinante and a new family to fight for. Her relationships with Holden and Amos are both well developed and sincere and she is a central part of the show that cannot be undersold.

Naomi would have always placed highly on this list but Season Five cemented her in second place thanks in large part to Dominque Tipper's acting showcase in the last couple of episodes. After she is forced to jump between her former lover Marco Inaros' ship to a ship rigged to blow up the Roci, Naomi must struggle to survive all alone with minimal air and significant dangers on board. It is a heart-breaking performance as she fights to save her friends and is a standout of the fifth season.

Her complicated relationship with Marco and her son Filip as well as her loyalties to the Belt as a whole are well mined and are likely to dominate the final season as they did with Season Five. Naomi is incredibly guilt struck, especially in the wake of Alex and Fred Johnson's deaths, so her emotional arc is likely to be a key storyline in Season Six.

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