The Expanse Season 5 Lands - 5 Reasons To Be Excited
1. The Tides Will Turn
If there’s one sentiment held by virtually every denizen of the Belt, it’s that they face existences of unending struggle while all of the citizens of the inner planets relax in luxury. As inaccurate as this perspective might be, it still contains a kernel of truth: On average, Belters have definitely had more-difficult lives than Inners, and they’ve been regarded as second-class humans for decades. This state of affairs serves as an unofficial tenet of the Outer Planetary Alliance’s tacit constitution, and it’s the primary drive behind Marco Inaros’s formation of the Free Navy.
In times past, a military force comprising only Belters would have seemed laughable to the likes of Mars and Earth, but a unified army of underprivileged people is a formidable adversary. To once again quote Chrisjen Avasarala, “Marco has millions of Belters. If we go toe to toe with him, we could lose.” This heralds the first time in the history of The Expanse’s solar system that the Belt has come to represent a legitimate challenge to established powers, and the looming threat of interplanetary war could very well see the Belt finally establishing itself as a player to be feared.
There are further threats waiting just out of sight, though: As the Free Navy cuts its way through its opposition, someone will need to guide its commanders to the endgame. Inaros may be a compelling leader and an effective tactician, but his political acumen has been shown to be lacking at times. This detail will doubtlessly attract the attention of any opportunistic entity hoping to style themselves as the de facto head of a new nation, meaning that a second struggle could easily take shape behind the scenes.