The Flash: 8 Best Villains

4. Grodd

The Flash Reverse Flash
The CW

Gorilla Grodd's continued battles with Team Flash have only further pushed him further and further down his path of villainy. After being hit by the particle accelerator explosion and escaping STAR Labs, Grodd was ultimately manipulated by Eobard Thawne, who helped feed into his fear and anger against humans like General Eiling, becoming an enemy of The Flash until he was ultimately banished to Earth-2 to live peacefully with his own kind in Gorilla City.

Of course, a fresh start wasn't enough for Grodd, who plotted to take over Gorilla City and lead his people back to Earth-1 to conquer Central City. Instead, he failed spectacularly, losing his freedom and ending up in ARGUS control, though nowadays - thanks to being displaced in time and becoming an anachronism sent back to the Vietnam War - he's a problem for the Legends of Tomorrow team, having been recruited by Damien Darhk.

What makes Grodd such a great villain is the fact that, while his hatred of humanity is overblown, it's coming from an understandable place. Even if it's impossible to root for him because of how misguided he is, the fact we've seen how he's been warped into who he is now has made him a somewhat sympathetic, tragic figure that remains one of the best antagonists The Flash has brought into the Arrowverse's fold.

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Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!