The Flash: 8 Best Villains

3. Zoom

The Flash Reverse Flash
The CW

In season two, Zoom arrived in Central City from Earth-2, pursued by Jay Garrick, who quickly got pulled into Team Flash thanks to his knowledge about the evil speedster. In time, he grew close to everyone, particularly Caitlin, while Zoom wreaked havoc in Central City, at one point even dislocating Barry's spine before dragging his broken body around town so that everyone could see their defeated hero.

Of course, the reveal that Garrick, whose real name was Hunter Zolomon, and Zoom were one in the same shocked everybody, and the revelation was followed up with a whole host of world-changing events, such as the introduction of concepts like time remnants and Time Wraiths into the Arrowverse, the emergence of the real Jay Garrick, the death of Henry Allen, and his eventual downfall and rebirth as the Black Flash, the Speed Force's undead speedster who has continued turning up on The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow.

On top of that, his slick costume, his cool voice, and his raw power were fantastic, and his arrival in the show helped usher in the notion of the Multiverse, doppelgangers, and everything else that came with it, the impact of which can be seen to this day across all the shows just by looking at characters like Harry Wells, Black Siren, or Earth-X's Leonard Snart. Not to mention, following everything Eobard Thawne did to Team Flash, Zoom's actions reinforced the group's trust issues, and both the characters and fans alike won't soon forget him.

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Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!