The Flash: Every Main Villain - Ranked

3. Savitar

Flash TV Show Black Flash
The CW

The self-titled God of Speed, Savitar was the show's spin on the trope of the villain being the hero, or at least in this case a version of the hero. Savitar was a time remnant created by Barry in the future to help the latter save Iris from being murdered by... Savitar (it is best not to think about it too much) but the speedster's efforts were in vain.

Due to Iris' death, the time remnant went into exile and in his attempts to relieve himself of the pain of his failure became consumed with an overwhelming desire for power and to take everything away from the original Barry.

Savitar's origins, (admittedly garish) costume and motivations helped him stand apart from other speedster villains, and his cult led by Julian Albert added an air of occult-esque intrigue to the show. Despite all these components, reducing Savitar to being a jaded clone of Barry was not quite as ambitious nor interesting as the heroes fighting an actual speedster deity.

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David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.